Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ramp | 斜坡,滑道;流冰脚
| A sloping structure that can either be used, as a landing place, at variable water levels, for small vessels, landing ships, or a ferry boat... more | 岸边的一种斜坡结构,主要用于水位易变处的登陆点,供小型船只、登陆艇或轮渡停靠;或牵引支船架供滑船使用。
积雪在陆地、陆冰类与海冰、冰架之间形成的斜面,也称drift ice foot(冰脚)。 |
random error | 偶然误差,随机误差
| See ERROR: ACCIDENTAL. | 参见accidental error。
range | 排列,对准;航程,射程;量程,波幅;范围,值域,区域
| Two or more objects in line. Such objects are said to be in range. An observer having them in range is said to be on the range. See also TRA... more | 两个或两个以上物体位于一条直线上。观测者与这些物体都在一条直线上叫做对准。亦见transit(重叠线)。
变量极值的差。 |
range: cruising | NULL | See CRUISING RADIUS. | NULL |
range: diurnal | 日潮差
| The difference in HEIGHT between MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER and MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. Also called great diurnal range. | 平均高高潮和平均低低潮高度之差。也称为great diurnal range(最大平均日潮差)。 |
range: geographic(al) | 地理范围,地理能见距离
| The greatest distance at which a LIGHT can be seen as a function of the curvature of the EARTH and the HEIGHTS of the light source and the o... more | 灯光能被看到的最大距离,是地球曲率、光源和观测者高度的函数。 |
range: great tropic | NULL | The difference in HEIGHT between TROPIC HIGHER HIGH WATER and TROPIC LOWER LOW WATER. | NULL |
range: luminous | 灯光射程
| The greatest distance at which a LIGHT can be seen merely as a function of its LUMINOUS INTENSITY, the METEOROLOGICAL VISIBILITY, and the ... more | 灯光能被看到的最大距离。根据灯光强度、气象能见度以及观测者眼睛灵敏度确定。 |
range: magnetic | 磁向范围 | A RANGE oriented in a given magnetic direction and used to assist in determination of the deviation of a MAGNETIC COMPASS. See DEVIATION: MA... more | 已知磁方向的范围。用于帮助测定磁经盘的偏差。参见magnetic deviation(罗经自差)。 |
range: nominal | 标称范围(射程)
| The LUMINOUS RANGE of a LIGHT in a homogenous ATMOSPHERE in which the METEOROLOGICAL VISIBILITY is 10 SEA MILES. | 在气象能见度为10海里的均匀大气下,光的可视距离。 |
range: small diurnal | NULL | The difference in HEIGHT between mean LOWER HIGH WATER and mean HIGHER LOW WATER. | NULL |
range: small tropic | NULL | The difference in HEIGHT between TROPIC LOWER HIGH WATER and TROPIC HIGHER LOW WATER. | NULL |
range finder | 测距仪
| An optical instrument for measuring the distance to an object. | 测量物体距离的光学仪器。 |
range height indicator | 距离/高度显示器
| A SCOPE which simultaneously indicates RANGE and HEIGHT of a RADAR TARGET. | 同时指示一个雷达目标距离和高度的显示器。 |
range light(s) | 叠标灯,导标灯
| See LIGHT. | 处于同一水平方向的两个或更多灯标,尤指那些作为助航标志来标示重要船舶航线的灯标,如航道。距观测者最近的称前灯,最远的称后灯。见leading light(叠标灯桩)。 |
range of mountains | 山脉
| See MOUNTAIN RANGE. | 参见mountain range(山脉)。 |
range of tide | 潮差
| The difference in HEIGHT between consecutive HIGH and LOW TIDES at a place. Also called tidal (or tide) range. | 同一地点相邻高潮与低潮间的高度差。亦称tidal range(潮差) 或 tide range(潮差)。 |
range of visibility | 能见度
| The extreme distance at which an object or LIGHT can be seen. See RANGE: GEOGRAPHICAL, and RANGE: LUMINOUS. | 物体或灯光能被看到的极限距离。参见geographical range(地理范围)和luminous range(灯光射程)。 |
range rod | 视距尺,标杆
| A simple SURVEYOR's rod, fitted with a sharp-pointed steel shoe. It is usually painted red and white alternately, and used to line up point... more | 一种简易测量标杆。装有尖头金属底座,一般涂有红白相间的颜色,使用时竖立在测站上。 |
rapid(s) | 急流,湍流
| Portions of a STREAM with accelerated CURRENT where it descends rapidly but without a break in the SLOPE of the BED sufficient to form a wa... more | 河流中有加速水流的部分,水流跌落湍急,但水底斜坡无断崖,不足以形成瀑布。常用复数形式。 |