Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
raster data presentation | 栅格数据表达
| Method of digitally representing data of an image by a matrix-like scheme of PIXELs. | 用矩阵式的像素集对图片进行数字化表达的方法。 |
rate | 频率
| In ELECTRONIC NAVIGATION, the designation of PULSE REPETITION RATE for a pair of transmitting stations, their SIGNALS, and the resulting L... more | 在无线电导航中,为一对无线电发射台及其信号和所产生的位置线指定的脉冲重复速率。 |
rate station | 主控台
| See DRIFT STATION. | 参见drift station(漂流站)。 |
rational horizon | 天球地平圈
| See HORIZON: CELESTIAL. | 参见celestial horizon(天球地平圈)。 |
ratio of ranges | 潮差比
| The ratio of the HEIGHT OF TIDE at the SUBORDINATE STATION to the HEIGHT OF TIDE at the REFERENCE STATION. | 验潮副港与主港潮高的比率。 |
ratio of rise | 潮升比
| The ratio of the HEIGHT OF TIDE at two places. | 两地点潮高的比率。 |
ratio print | 缩放晒印
| See PRINT. | 用投影晒印的方法根据负片或透明软片变换比例的晒印。 |
ravine | 深谷,峡谷
| In general, any steep-sided VALLEY. | 泛指陡峭的山谷。 |
ray | 射线
| A BEAM of RADIANT ENERGY of infinitesimal cross-section, such as a LIGHT RAY. | 横断面无限小的辐射能波束,如光线。 |
Rayleigh criterion | 瑞利准则
| Used in tidal analysis. Only those harmonic constituents which are separated by at least a complete period from their neighbouring constitue... more | 一种用于潮汐分析的标准。指在潮汐测量期间只有那些在可用数据长度上与相邻分潮至少相隔一个完整周期的调和分潮才能应用于给定时间序列的调和分析中。 |
reach | 河口段,直水道;岬湾
| A straight section of a RIVER, especially a navigable RIVER between two bends. See also SEA REACH. An ARM OF THE SEA extending into the LAND... more | 江河的直流地段,特别是两弯曲处之间的可航水道。亦见sea reach(通海直水道)。
海洋伸入陆地的海湾。 |
real image | 实像
| See IMAGE. | 真实产生并能显示在表面上的影像。如同在照相机中的一样。 |
rear light | 后灯
| See LIGHT(S): RANGE. | 参见range light(叠标灯)。 |
rear nodal point | 后节点
| See NODAL POINT. | 参见nodal point(节点)。 |
receiver | 接收机
| One who or that which receives anything, particularly a RADIO RECEIVER. | 接收某种事物的人或器械,特指无线电接收机。 |
recession of a shoreline | 海岸线退化,海退
| Landward movement of the SHORELINE. Also called retrogression of a beach. | 海岸线向陆地方向移动。亦称retrogression of a beach(海滩后移)。 |
reciprocal bearing | 反方位角
| See BEARING. | 与已知方位相差180°的方位。 |
reciprocal levelling | 往返水准测量
| See LEVELLING. | 在测线两端点对向观测垂直角以消去误差的三角高程测量。 |
reckoning | 船位推算
| In NAVIGATION, computation by which the POSITION of a ship is found. See DEAD RECKONING. | 在航行中通过计算求得船位,参见dead reckoning(船位推算)。 |
recommended course | 推荐航线
| See TRACK: RECOMMENDED. | 参见recommended track(推荐航线)。 |