Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
rod: sounding | 测深标尺,测深杆 | See SOUNDING POLE. | 有刻度的杆、棒,用于浅水区测深。亦称sounding rod。 |
rodded points | 实测点,立尺点
| Points where the ROD was actually held, as opposed to points sketched in between. | 实际竖立标尺测量的点,相对于一定间隔内的插点而言。 |
rodman | 立尺员
| A person using a surveying ROD. | 负责掌握测量标尺的人。 |
Roentgen rays | 伦琴射线
| See X-RAYS. | 见X-RAYS(X射线)。 |
roll (or rolling) | 横摇
| The oscillation of a ship about the longitudinal axis. In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, a rotation of a CAMERA or a photograph-coordinate system about ei... more | 船只绕纵轴的摆动。
在摄影测量中,摄影机或像片坐标系统绕像片X轴或外部X轴的旋转。 |
roller | 长涌,卷浪
| An indefinite term, sometimes considered to denote one of a series of long-crested, large WAVES which roll in upon a COAST, as after a STORM... more | 指示不明确的术语。有时指一系列长浪峰之一;大风暴以后形成的涌向海岸的大波浪的波峰。
从远处来的浪涛在海岸形成的巨大碎浪。参见comber(卷浪,拍岸浪)。 |
rollers: blind | 长涌,滚涌
| See BLIND ROLLERS. | 参见blind seas(长涌)。 |
roof prism | 脊形棱镜
| A type of prism in which the IMAGE is reverted by a roof, that is, two surfaces inclined at 90° to each other. | 棱镜的一种,在该棱镜中,图像由互相成90°倾角的两个面而形成的脊倒过来构成。 |
root mean square error | 均方根误差,中误差
| See ERROR: STANDARD. | 参见standard error(标准差)。 |
rose | 罗经图(花)
| Name given to a COMPASS CARD, or other DIAGRAM, having radiating lines. | 指有一簇放射线的罗经刻度盘或罗经图。 |
Rossby wave(s) | 罗斯贝波
| Ignoring friction or depth changes; if a parcel of water with no initial relative vorticity (i.e. no rotation) is moved northward, as f (the... more | 在忽略摩擦力或深度改变的情况下,假如水团不具备原始相对涡流(即没有旋转)而向北运动,当f(科里奥利参数)增加时,水团将得到负相对涡度并将顺时针方向旋转。水团向极一侧的科里奥利力会比其向赤道一侧更大,并因此使水团受到南向恢复力的影响。这个力将推动水团于南纬以零相对涡度过冲,且使旋转... more |
rotary current | 回转潮流
| See CURRENT. | 在一次潮汐周期中流向变化360°的一种连续潮流。英国术语称之为rotary stream。 |
rotary stream | 回转潮流
| See CURRENT: ROTARY. | 参见rotary current(回转潮流)。 |
rotating light | 旋转灯
| See LIGHT. | 有一个或多个光束旋转的灯。 |
rotating loop radiobeacon | 旋转环形无线电指向标
| See ROTATING RADIOBEACON STATION. | 参见rotating radiobeacon station(旋转无线电指向标站)。 |
rotating prism | 旋转棱镜
| See DOVE PRISM. | 参见dove prism(多夫棱镜)。 |
rotating radiobeacon station | 旋转无线电指向标站
| A special type of RADIOBEACON station emitting a BEAM of WAVES to which a uniform turning movement is given, the BEARING of the station bei... more | 发射的波束呈均匀旋转运动的一种专门无线电信标站。这种信标站的方位可以用普通的无线电接收机和秒表测定。亦称旋转环形无线电指向标。 |
rotation | 旋转,自转,循环
| Turning of a body about an AXIS within the body, as the daily rotation of the EARTH. See REVOLUTION. | 物体绕其内部轴的转动。如地球自转。参见revolution(旋转)。 |
rotten ice | 蜂窝冰 | SEA ICE which has become honeycombed in the course of melting, and which is in an advanced state of disintegration. | 在溶化过程中,已成为蜂窝状的、行将崩解的海冰。 |
roundabout | 环形航道 | A ROUTEING measure comprising a separation point or circular SEPARATION ZONE and a circular TRAFFIC LANE within defined limits. Traffic with... more | 包含了分离点或环形分离带、且在规定的界限内具有环形通航分道的定线制措施。环形航道内的交通围绕分离点或分离带以逆时针方向运动,以此相互分开。 |