Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
metonic cycle | 默冬周期
| A PERIOD of 19 YEARS, after which the various PHASES OF THE MOON fall on approximately the same DAYS of the YEAR as in the previous CYCLE. | 19年的周期,此后,各式各样的月相,如同前一个周期一样,在近似于当年的同一天出现。 |
metre (or meter) | 米
| The basic unit of length in the SI SYSTEM. | 国际单位制中长度的基本单位,亦写作“meter”。 |
metric system | 公制
| A system of weights and measures, based upon the metre. | 以米为基本单位的度量衡制度。 |
metrology | 计量学
| The science of weights and measures. | 研究度量衡的科学。 |
micrometer | 测微器
| An auxiliary device to provide measurement of very small angles or dimensions, by an instrument such as a TELESCOPE. See MICROMETER: FILAR, ... more | 通过诸如望远镜之类的仪器,提供微小角度或尺寸测量的辅助设备。参见filar micrometer(游丝测微器)、transit micrometer(子午仪测微器)。 |
micrometer: filar | 游丝测微器,动丝测微计
| A device attached to a TELESCOPE or microscope, consisting of a wire thread (filament) connected with a screw in such manner that as the scr... more | 一种附属于望远镜或者显微镜的装置,由一个游丝连接一个螺丝组成。当螺丝在仪器焦平面内转动时,游丝在焦平面内移动通过一系列的平行位置。任何小的角度都可由螺丝转动的圈数乘以每一圈的值计算得到。见目镜测微尺,测微计显微镜和测微器刻度尺。 |
micrometer: impersonal | 超人差测微器
| See MICROMETER: TRANSIT. | 参见transit micrometer(子午仪测微器)。 |
micrometer: ocular | 目镜测微器
| A FILAR MICROMETER so placed that its wire moves in the principal FOCAL PLANE of a TELESCOPE. Also called an eyepiece micrometer. | 游丝在望远镜主焦面内移动的动丝测微器。亦称eyepiecemicrometer(目镜测微计)。 |
micrometer: run of | NULL | See ERROR OF RUN. | NULL |
micrometer: transit | 子午仪测微器 | A form of registering MICROMETER with its movable wire placed in the FOCAL PLANE of an astronomic TRANSIT and at right angles to the directi... more | 一种可动游丝置于子午仪焦面内的记录型测微器,当恒星中天或接近中天时,它的方向与被测星的镜像运动方向垂直,子午仪测微器亦称超人差测微器,因为用它观测时差不多完全消除了人差的影响。 |
micrometer comb | 测微器主尺
| A notched SCALE placed at right angles to the movable wire of a MICROMETER and so designed that one turn of the MICROMETER SCREW will move ... more | 一种与测微器动丝成直角放置的刻度尺,测微螺旋转动一周,测微器动丝将移过主尺一格。主尺中央刻线与测微头的零点相接为计算测微器读数的基准点。此主尺用于记录测微器螺旋转动的整周数,周小数可在标有刻度的测微头上读取。 |
micrometer drum | 测微鼓
| A graduated drum by which the motion of a traveling wire in a microscope can be measured. | 可量测显微镜内动丝移动值的刻度鼓。 |
micrometer microscope | 测微显微镜
| A FILAR MICROMETER so placed that its wire moves in the FOCAL PLANE of a microscope. | 游丝于显微镜焦平面内移动的动丝测微器。 |
micrometer screw | 测微螺旋
| A finely-threaded screw of definite PITCH, with a head graduated to show how much the screw has been moved in or out; used in MICROMETERS. | 一种具有明确螺距的细螺纹螺丝,顶部有刻度以显示螺丝旋进或旋出的程度;用于测微器。 |
micron | 微米
| One millionth of a METRE; one thousandth of a millimetre. | 百万分之一米;千分之一毫米。 |
microphone | 传声器
| An electroacoustic device containing a TRANSDUCER which is actuated by SOUND WAVES and delivers essentially equivalent electric WAVES. | 装有由声波驱动而输出实质等价电波换能器的电声装置。 |
microprocessor | 微处理器
| Component of a data processing device made up of microcircuits integrated on a single chip. | 指由单片集成微电路制成的数据处理装置组件。 |
microsecond | 微秒
| One millionth of a SECOND. | 百万分之一秒。 |
microseisms | 微震 | More or less persistent feeble earth tremours caused by natural sources such as atmospheric pressure systems or waves. | 由自然因素如气压系统或海浪引起的相对持续且微弱的地颤。 |
microwave | 微波
| A very short RADIO WAVE, usually 30 cm to 0.3 mm. | 通常指波长在30厘米至0.3毫米的无线电波。 |