Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
tape: standard | 标准基线尺 | See REFERENCE TAPE. | 一种专门用于比长标准的基线尺,亦称standard tape。 |
tape: steel | 钢卷尺 | Any survey TAPE made of steel. | 用钢制成的测量卷尺。 |
tape: temperature correction | (卷尺)温度改正 | The quantity applied to the nominal length of a TAPE to allow for a change in its effective length because of its being used at a temperatu... more | 卷尺的标称长度与在非标准温度下的有效长度之间的差值。 |
tape: tension correction | 拉力改正 | The CORRECTION applied to the nominal length of a TAPE to allow for a change in effective length because of its being used at a tension oth... more | 卷尺的标称长度与在非标准温度下的有效长度之间的差值。 |
tape correction(s) | 卷尺改正 | CORRECTIONS applied to a distance measured with a TAPE to eliminate ERRORS caused by the physical condition of the TAPE, and to the manner ... more | 为了消去因卷尺本身的物理特性和使用方法造成的误差而对其所测距离进行的改正。 |
tape stretcher | 拉尺器 | A mechanical device which facilitates holding a TAPE at a prescribed tension and in a prescribed position. | 便于把卷尺拉到规定张力和规定位置的一种机械装置。 |
tape thermometer | 卷尺温度计 | See under THERMOMETER. | 一种装在特制盒内的精密温度计,可夹在或贴在金属的带尺上,用来进行基线或导线带尺测量的温度改正。 |
taping | 卷尺测量 | The operation of measuring a distance on the GROUND using a TAPE or ribbon of metal or other material. Also called chaining. | 用卷尺或钢尺等在地面上量测距离的一种工作,亦称chaining。 |
target | 觇标,目标,靶 | Any object, point, etc., toward which something is directed. An object which reflects a sufficient amount of a radiated SIGNAL to produce a... more | 用于瞄准的物体或点等。能反射足量辐射信号以在监视器上产生回波信号的物体。为了便于像片辨认而设立的地面点标志或设施。在摄影测量中,目标是地面上的一些实物标志,这些标志设置在拐角或特征线上或在地下设施上方的特征点上,以使得在像片上形成大地点或其它控制点标志的清晰图像。目标也是摄影前地... more |
target: false | 假目标
| See ECHO: FALSE. | 参见false echo(假回声)。 |
tartan plots | 测图格网 | LATTICES resulting from the enlargement of small parts of Two Range and hyperbolic LATTICES, used for work which has to be carried out on ... more | 双距格网和双曲格网中局部放大后的格网。用于那些比主测量比例尺更大的测量。 |
taut wire measuring gear | 拉线测量装置 | An apparatus designed for measuring horizontal distances at sea. It is constructed so that a wire of small diameter, one end of which is ... more | 用于海上测量水平距离的一种设备。把一条直径很小绳的一端抛锚于海底,当船沿着要测量的航线航行时,绳索绕过标有刻度的滑轮而得出测量数据。 |
taut wire mooring | 拉索系泊 | A mooring arrangement in which a submerged FLOAT provides the upward force necessary to maintain the system in a fixed position with referen... more | 一种系船设备,有提供必要上浮力的浮子,以使该设备相对于海底处于一个相对固定的位置。 |
tectonics | 地质构造学 | The study of origin and development of the broad structural features of the EARTH. | 研究地球主要构造特性、起源与变迁的科学。 |
telecommunication | 无线电通信 | Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, SIGNALS, writing, IMAGES and SOUNDS or intelligence of any nature by wire, RADIO, visual ... more | 有线、无线电、视频或其它电磁系统对符号、信号、文字、图像和各种声音或信息的发射和接收。 |
telegraph buoy | 电缆浮标 | A BUOY used to mark the position of a submarine telegraph cable. | 用于标记海底电信电缆位置的一种浮标。 |
telemeteorograph | 遥测气象仪 | General term for meteorological instruments whose indications are recorded at a distance. | 气象仪器的通用术语,一种在远处记录观测结果的气象仪。 |
telemeter | 测距仪,遥测仪 | An instrument for determining the distance from one point to another. Some such instruments employ a TELESCOPE and measure the angle subtend... more | 确定两点之间距离的仪器。有些仪器利用望远镜可测量一小段已知长度所对的角度大小。整套仪器可把测量参数电传到远方,并在那里记录其观测结果。 |
telemeter: electronic | 电子测距仪
| An electronic device that measures the phase difference or transit time between a transmitted electromagnetic IMPULSE of known FREQUENCY an... more | 一种用来测量发射的电磁脉冲和返回的电子脉冲(已知频率和速度)之间的相位差或者传播时间电子设备。 |
telemetry | 遥测技术,测距术 | The study and technique involved in measuring a quantity or quantities in place, transmitting this value to a station, and there interpret... more | 一种学科和技术,用于测量位置的一个或多个参数,并把这些值传输到工作站,并在那里进行译码、显示或记录。 |