Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
tide gauge | 验潮仪 | See GAUGE. | 测量潮高的一种仪器。观测人员可在能看到量尺的掩体内观测;另外还可以在仪器上装有一种复杂的记录仪器进行连续的记录。这种仪器通常是通过一个管子内的浮子驱动,该管子通过一个小孔与海水相通,并通过该小孔滤掉一些小的波浪。 |
tide-generating force | 涨(起)潮力 | See TIDE-PRODUCING FORCE. | 参见tide-producing force(引潮力)。 |
tideland | 潮间带 | LAND which is under water at HIGH TIDE and uncovered at LOW TIDE. | 高潮时被水淹没、低潮时裸露的陆地。 |
tide lock | 潮汐船闸 | A LOCK situated between a BASIN or CANAL and TIDEWATER to maintain the water at a desired level as the HEIGHT of the TIDE changes. Also call... more | 设置在港池或运河与有潮水域之间的,可在潮汐高度变化时按照所需水位蓄水的船闸。 |
tidemark | 潮痕,潮标 | A HIGH WATER MARK left by TIDAL WATER. The highest point reached by a HIGH TIDE. A MARK placed to indicate the highest point reached by a HI... more | 潮水留下的高潮标记。高潮所达到的最高点。表示高潮或偶尔表示任何潮汐状态所达到的最高点标志。 |
tide pole | 验潮杆 | See TIDE STAFF. | 由一根垂直刻度杆组成的可在任何时间直接读出潮高的验潮器具。亦称tide pole。 |
tide-predicting machine | 潮汐自动推算机 | An instrument that computes, sometimes for years in advance, the TIMES and HEIGHTS of HIGH and LOW WATERS at a REFERENCE STATION by mechani... more | 一种仪器,用机械方法合计构成潮汐的调和分潮,可提前几年计算出某标准站的高潮和低潮时间与潮高。 |
tide (or tidal) prediction | 潮汐推算 | The mathematical process by which the TIMES and HEIGHTS of the TIDE are determined in advance from the HARMONIC CONSTITUENTS at a place. See... more | 从其调和分潮预先推算某地潮时和潮高的数学过程。 |
tide-producing force(s) | 引潮力 | That part of the gravitational attraction of a CELESTIAL BODY which is effective in producing the TIDES on EARTH. The SUN and MOON are the ... more | 能引起地球潮汐的那部分天体的引力。太阳和月亮是具有引潮力的主要天体,引潮力大致随该引力体的质量大小而变化,与其距离的立方成反比。亦称tide-generating force。 |
tide race | 急潮流(水道) | A strong TIDAL CURRENT or a CHANNEL in which such a CURRENT flows. | 指强潮流或该潮流流经的水道。 |
tide range | 潮差 | See RANGE OF TIDE. | 同一地点相邻高潮与低潮间的高度差。亦称tidal (or tide) range。 |
tide reducer | 潮高改正 | The CORRECTION that must be applied to a recorded SOUNDING for the HEIGHT OF TIDE above or below the DATUM of reference at the TIME of SOUND... more | 测深时,对测深记录所需加进的高于或低于深度基准面潮高的改正。 |
tide register | 验潮仪 | See GAUGE: TIDE. | 测量潮高的一种仪器。观测人员可在能看到量尺的掩体内观测;另外还可以在仪器上装有一种复杂的记录仪器进行连续的记录。这种仪器通常是通过一个管子内的浮子驱动,该管子通过一个小孔与海水相通,并通过该小孔滤掉一些小的波浪。 |
tide rip(s) | 潮激 | Small WAVES formed on the surface of water by the meeting of opposing TIDAL CURRENTS or by a TIDAL CURRENT crossing an irregular BOTTOM. Ver... more | 由于逆向潮流相遇或潮流经过不规则海底而在水面形成的较小的波浪,这种潮激的特性与前进波不同,是垂直振动的。 |
tide signal | 潮汐信号 | See SIGNAL. | 传递有关区域潮汐状况的信号或讯息。 |
tide staff | 水尺,验潮杆 | A TIDE GAUGE consisting of a vertical graduated pole from which the HEIGHT OF TIDE at any TIME can be read directly. Also called tide pole. | 由一根垂直刻度杆组成的,可在任何时间直接读出潮高的验潮器具。亦称tide pole。 |
tide staff: multiple | NULL | A succession of TIDE STAFFS on a sloping SHORE, so placed that the vertical GRADUATIONS on the several staffs form a continuous scale with r... more | NULL |
tide station | 验潮站 | See STATION. | 进行潮汐观测的地点。当有可能进行充分多年连续观测,以确定该地点潮汐特征的称作主验潮站,为特殊目的获得数据而进行的短周期作业称作短期验潮站。 |
tide tables | 潮汐表 | TABLES listing daily predictions, usually a year in advance, of the TIMES and HEIGHTS of the TIDE. These predictions are usually supplemente... more | 通常提前一年,预报出每日潮时和潮高的表。通过从其他地区进行预报所获得的潮差和潮汐常数可对上述预报进行增补。参见tide prediction(潮汐推算)。 |
tidewater | 潮水,有潮水域 | Water affected by TIDES or sometimes that part of it which covers the TIDELAND. The term is sometimes used broadly to designate the SEABOARD... more | 指受潮汐影响的水体,有时指覆盖潮间带的那部分水体。有时该术语泛指沿海地区。参见tidal wave(潮波)。 |